Al-Emadi Hospital has been accredited with Diamond level by Accreditation Canada International (ACI) following a comprehensive survey in December, 2016. An ACI survey team visited the hospital and conducted tracers of different processes related to quality and patient safety and assessed compliance with ACI standards and Required Organizational Practices.
During the survey, the ACI team looked into different qualitative indices, including the physical layout of the hospital, scope of services, maintenance and provision of a safe healthcare environment, processes related to patient safety and quality improvement, continuous patient care and monitoring, and effectiveness of medical interventions. The ACI Survey team that visited the hospital expressed their satisfaction and pleasure with Al Emadi Hospital’s systems and processes for improving quality and patient safety. Al-Emadi Hospital had previously been awarded ACI’s Gold Accreditation and the Diamond Accreditation is the next step up.
Al-Emadi Hospital is extremely proud on behalf of its hardworking and meticulous management and staff to receive this prestigious accreditation, as it clearly demonstrates the excellent progress in its journey towards patient safety and quality improvement. This Accreditation award reiterates Al Emadi Hospital’s mission to provide the best healthcare possible, not just in the country but the region as well. Al-Emadi Hospital strives to make sure all the services provided are on par with the highest international standards in healthcare.